sound the seven trumpets
the end of times is close
death of million will spread
among the nations
we are destined to suffer
by one thousand years
the glory of my lord
was in my eyes
and i didnt want to see
claim by the creator
because he is the salvation
be sorry disbelieving
we arent anything to the power of god
in seven days the kingdom was build
in seven days can be destroy
forgive us my lord
we are one of yours dear children
let us to follow
follow the salvation
we want follow more
the king of darkness
we will seek the lady death
and we will not find
lord christ help us
the pain of hell is unbearable
be sorry disbelieving
we arent anything to the power of god
in seven days the kingdom was build
in seven days can be destroy
the final battle arrived
all of us will be destroy
but whats happen after
will sprout a new sky
a new sky and a new earth
only will survive those who
christ reigns in your life
will be going victorious
we will be the only ones
will be the only ones survive